Monday, January 14, 2008

Photoshop...Before and After

It is Monday so it is time to post for weekly POTD...I do not own photoshop. I used other photo software. I am sure it is not as detailed as photoshop. But it works. This picture was taken in Sea Isle City. My family has been part of Sea Isle for years. As far back as my great grandparents. My grandfather was born raised and died there. I was on the beach in Sea Isle before I could walk. Anyway back to the photo challenge. I played around with the colors. I am surprised how much you can actually change the colors. But I was wondering can anyone tell which one is the original? Thanks for looking.


Farrah Jobling said...

Great job! I love the warm colors!

Lori said...

I vote for the orange one as the original. Am I right?